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Php Developer Interview Questions

Published on December 21, 2024 by

PHP Developer Interview Questions

PHP Developer Interview Questions

This article provides a list of questions designed to assess a PHP developer’s skills in areas like string manipulation, debugging, database handling, and advanced PHP features.

  1. What is PHP? Why is PHP a Loosely Typed Language? Is PHP Asynchronous or Synchronous?

  2. What is the difference between include, require, include_once, and require_once?

  3. Identify the Issues in the Query Below

    "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $_POST['email']";
  4. Fix the Logical Error in the Statement

    if (!strpos($string, $substring))
  5. What is the Value of $x and $y After the Function Call?

    function incrementCounter(&$counter) {
    $initialValue = $counter;
    $counter += 2;
    return $initialValue;
    $x = 5;
    $y = incrementCounter($x);
  6. Predict the Output of the Following Code and Explain Why?

    $num = 10;
    function modifyNumber() {
    $num = 20;
    echo $num;
  7. Predict the Value of $x and Why?

    $octalValue = 017;
    $x = $octalValue / 2;
  8. What Will Be the Output?

    $method = "greet";
    function greet() {
    echo "Hello, world!";
  9. Explain $$var and Its Use Case in PHP. Can It Go Infinitely or Not?

  10. Describe Magic Methods in PHP

  11. Logical String Manipulation Question

    Write a PHP function that takes a string and:

    • Reverses it.
    • Replaces all vowels (a, e, i, o, u) with their uppercase equivalent.
    • Replaces all consonants with #.


    Input: "helloWorld"
    Output: "DLROw#O###"
  12. Predict the Output of the Code Below and Explain Why?

    $name = "Sunita";
    echo "Hi, my name is {$name}";
    echo 'Hi, my name is {$name}';


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